class..Class…CLASS…SHUT UP!!!!
Ok, I guess that was an obscure reference. 10 points for the first person to identify it.
Anyway, the geology around here is fasciniating, made more so by Terry being in the oil business and Agnes being a retired geologist. I thought I’d share some little tidbits. Notice the high peak to the left, and how jagged it is? Now notice how relatively smooth the lower peaks are?
150,000 years ago a glacier came through this valley. You can tell how high up the mountain the glacier came by looking at where the crags start. All of the smoother sections were buried under ice. The jagged sections of the higher mountain were still exposed to the air.

These vertically striped cliff faces are called Hoodoo’s. They’re made of sandstone and occur during some process I don’t really understand. OK, I guess I better keep my day job. Anyway, they’re all over the place around here, and they’re famous enough that we rode past an outdoor concert called “Hoodstock”.
The Valley around here is actually the source water for the Columbia River Gorge. It’s also quite spectacular. We had a second marvelous day of riding with no rain, mild winds and warm temps. It actually hit 90 by the time we got finished. We might have finished a little earlier if we’d gotten a quicker start. Bike problems, saying our good-byes to Frank and Vickie, and just general slowness meant we didn’t get started until after 10:00. No worries though.

As I’m fond of saying, it ain’t an adventure until something F’s up. P0or Agnes got to the campsite today. After driving down a long gravel driveway she found out that they won’t accept 40 foot R.V.’s, they couldn’t handle 10 people, and oh by the way, the water wasn’t drinkable. OK, switch to Plan B. The gals eventually found a better site with easy access and a restaurant on site, so everything turned out fine. As you can see, Xena wasn’t too stressed out about the whole situation.

Sister Mary Elephant. Good old Cheech & Chong. Where are my 10 points.
ReplyDeleteNow you will have something for show & tell when you get through playing hooky.
Shoot, that's what I get for missing out on reading the Blog for a couple of days. I could have won the 10 points!