3...2...1... We're almost there!
After much turmoil and angst I was finally able to pick up my bike this morning. Bad Kitty!
But not without a little more stress this morning. I called to verify that we could pick it up at the FedEx office. When we got there the guy at the counter had no record of a package for either Terry or Kevin (my friend who sent it). Deep breath...Deep breath...He found it in the back room after searching for a few minutes and fortunately I assembled it without incident.

We took the morning to take a quick tour of downtown Calgary. The Calgary Stampede starts tomorrow so we're just going to miss the festivities. The downtown area is replete with hay bales and cowboy hats.There's a lovely walking district on 8th street right downtown that leads to Olympic Plaza. During the 1998 Winter Olympics this area hosted the medals ceremonies. In the winter they flood the fountain and turn the area into an outdoor skating arena. The group stopped for falafels for lunch. It's a good thing we start riding tomorrow. Agnes (Terry's wife) has been an incredible hostess. We're eating like pigs and I'll be fat as a house if I don't start getting some exercise.
Good to see you are getting plenty to eat. You wouldn't want to ride on an empty stomach. The bears like skinny guys,