Random thoughts from Kallispell

- A typical rest day on tour: Laundry, 3 hours of blog work, bike cleaning, restocking supplies...
- "Bike Buzzing" is apparently a popular sport here in Montana, especially among the microcephallic, pencil-d*cked, monster truck driving crowd. I'm looking forward to getting back into Canada.
- Apologies to the Monster Truck drivers reading the blog. Unless you enjoy buzzing close by bikers. Then the insult stands.
- We went looking for a bar here in town last night and eventually stumbled on Red's Lounge. On a Tuesday night in Kallispell Montana we heard really good free music.Some good times are universal.
- My world is very small right now. No TV. No Radio. Just riding, writing about riding, and preparing to ride again. It's actually quite nice to tune out the "real world" for awhile.
- Any of the pictures on the blog can be enlarged by just clicking on them. What you see on the blog is essentially a large thumbnail of the actual photo.
- I'm nursing a pretty bad saddle sore at the moment, so there's a chance I may skip tomorrow's ride. I'm sure the support staff wouldn't mind an extra helper, and I wouldn't particularly mind giving Montana drivers one less target. We'll see how things feel tomorrow.
- Terry's dog will evidently eat anything. Including ketchup off Terry's finger.
I wouldn't blame you a bit if you sat it out. Why take a chance on some idiot running you off the road. Hope your sitter is better.