I'll be wrapping up the Canada trip posts over the next few days, and making a video slide show, but in the meantime I thought I'd send out an update on the rest of my adventure. I flew out of Calgary on Friday and met Laurie in Cincinatti. Her family had an extended family reunion over the weekend at her cousin Cynthia's house.
Laurie's family is spread out all over the country, so this was the first time they'd had a group like this come together. About 40 people showed up, and they all made me feel like family. It's really interesting hearing an entire family's set of shared stories. Some highlights:
- Smoking stogies with Uncle Tony, an 85 year old WW2 veteran.
- Just hanging out with Uncle Tony and Aunt Lou. They've been married for 57 years. I think this one's going to last.
- Hearing about Fat Finger Pauly, No-Neck Vinnie, and Joey bag-o-donuts.
- The Family Reunion Song. I'll have a post about that and a link to the youtube video in a couple of days.
- Little girls. We have none in my family. God they're cute.
- "I'm talking and I can't shut up". Laurie had t-shirts printed up for the family members with this printed on the back.
How lucky Laurie is to have so much family. I'm glad you had such a good time.