Monday, July 13, 2009

Gangland camping

The mosquitos are firmly in control of the Golden Municipal Campground. I got bit repeatedly yesterday. Any little venture off the gravel path was met with fierce retribution. After the umpteenth bite I managed to kill a few of the verminous little bastards, but that only seemed to piss them off. I knew I was in trouble when the mosquito gang leaders showed up, carrying pointy little knives and wearing tiny red bandanas on their little fuzzy heads.. I got the message at that point and retired to the safety of my tent, where they only outnumbered me about 20 - 1.


  1. Those mean old mosquitos. They do grow big up there.

  2. Well, if you were hearing the music from "West Side Story" in the background, I'd say those are some scary mosquitos!!

    I just returned from a 'busy' week in New Orleans, so I will have to play catch-up with your blogs!!

    Ride Strong!!
